



As from the end of March 2014, BANANA ESTATE launched the brand new logo. The brand new logo to be like this:

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Thus, the old logo of BANANA ESTATE was no longer valid.

Meaning of the brand new logo:
The color light green symbolizes concern for the environment and youthful spirit.
Shape of the building symbolizes development sustainability.

Hopefully you enjoy with BANANA ESTATE.







Terhitung sejak akhir Maret 2014, BANANA ESTATE launching logo baru menjadi sebagai berikut:

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Dengan demikian, logo lama BANANA ESTATE sudah tidak berlaku lagi. Continue Reading »

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In 2006, or rather about a few months after the project began during construction Banana Estate, in July 2005, required a flexible global communication media. Then be made to the website with the address: http://www.bananaestate.bravehost.com with the last email address to be: banana.estate@yahoo.com. Then in 2014 early the website become http://bananaestate.jigsy.com.

The above website dubbed the master site because it was the first website ever created, was released  and succeeded in launching without interruption, as a medium of  communication Banana Estate members. Although previously done trial and error, through the website: www banana_estate.homestead.com, unfortunately the hosting provider company disbanded.

Then performed an experiment  to create a website “holding,” through which time popular Geocities.com as a group of Yahoo. But a few years later, Yahoo sells website hosting the group to another company. So all the website through Geocities be late or change its name  with a complicated mechanism. Continue Reading »

Step By Step

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Based on existence the plot of area deals in the Southwest region of Jakarta city, precisely in the Ciputat – Tangerang area,  Indonesia. The friends who have the same vision and mission in friendship, which have the same needs. The need for homebase in the satellite area of Jakarta. Jakarta known as capital of Indonesia. Referring to notarial act, Banana Estate 1 was established on June 6, 2005. Nowadays, members Banana Estate 1 is: JJM, AHS, KP, ME, GUN, NUG, LW, DS, SYR, DEL, ERZ, ZMN, WPJS.

Having area of 5,500 square meters, Banana Estate 1 was a plot of area formerly owned by the community that used by residents surrounding the area to sports activity. The various sports, there was a football field, basketball, volleyball are also used interchangeably as a badminton court.

Some of the garden, growing either wild or maintenance of the surrounding population also exists in the region. In fact there’s durian trees growing region along with some mango trees, papaya, rambutan, coconut and so on within community gardens around the site.

For the first time, team Banana did the survey to area of the site in May 2005. The review was conducted by AHS and NUG which previously in the same month were met by a Jakarta’s office driver named Marno Continue Reading »

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On the journey of Banana Estate 2nd in the 7th year, at this March 2014 receive an encouraging report, namely the completion of the Certification Banana Estate 2nd on Notary from Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD).
Congratulations and good luck to Banana Estate 2nd.

BANANA ESTATE @t afternoon 19 April 2009

BANANA ESTATE @t afternoon 19 April 2009

While Banana Estate 1st in the year to 9th, at February 2014 is re-entering the finishing stage for two units. That is the unit No. 42-G and No. 42-L.


42-L 25 Feb’14

Continue Reading »

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Perjalanan Banana Estate 1st di tahun yang ke-9, pada tahun 2014 ini memasuki tahap re-finishing 2 unit. Yaitu pada unit No. 42-G dan unit No. 42-L.


 42-L 25 Feb’14

Untuk unit No. 42-G Continue Reading »

Now it again ahead of Ramadan in the year 2013 or 1434 Hijri. In a few days we enter the blessed month. Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan. If there were differences in the onset of fasting in Indonesia, without us care about the differences… important because the same intention… ie implementing appropriate worship pillars of Islam.

(@courtesy masedi.net)

As usual… in this auspicious occasion, all Banana Estate’s crew apologize spiritual and physical Continue Reading »

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Diumumkan kepada khalayak pemerhati Banana Estate bahwa terhitung sejak 1 Januari 2013 website bananaestate.bravehost.com migrasi ke alamat website yang baru, yaitu bananaestate.jigsy.comjigsy

Dengan demikian alamat website yang lama (bananaestate.bravehost.com) tidak dapat dipergunakan lagi.
Pengumuman ini juga di announce melalui weblog:

Untuk explore desain-desain arsitektur, konstruksi, dan interior terkait dengan Banana Estate, silahkan membuka weblog:

Silahkan explore melalui situs-situs menarik Banana Estate yang telah disebutkan di atas.

Terima kasih,

2010 in review

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Fresher than ever.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 6,300 times in 2010. That’s about 15 full 747s.

In 2010, there were 15 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 24 posts. There were 114 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 26mb. That’s about 2 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was December 21st with 133 views. The most popular post that day was Desain Kreatif Kamar Tidur Tamu.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were id.wordpress.com, bananaestate.bravehost.com, search.babylon.com, tipsoke.com, and google.co.kr.

Some visitors came searching, mostly for kamar tidur, desain kamar tidur, kamar, gambar kamar tidur, and gambar kamar.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


Desain Kreatif Kamar Tidur Tamu August 2010


Desain Interior Rumah Art Deco dan Modern Minimalis August 2010


Kanopi Melindungi Rumah Dari Panas Dan Hujan August 2010


Desain Dapur Anda August 2010


Gallery January 2010

Dikesempatan yang baik, di hari baik, di hari-hari akhir bulan suci Ramadhan 2010 ini, mengucapkan:
Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin.
Minal Aidin Wal Fa Izin.
Selamat Hari Raya Idhul Fitri 2010.
Semoga selanjutnya Indonesia semakin bangkit. Amiin.
Hidup Indonesia!
Hidup desain rumah Indonesia!

Agar terlihat serasi dan enak dipandang, menata interior rumah sebaiknya diselaraskan dengan desain fasad bangunannya. Jika tampak mukanya style art deco,

Front View - Desain Rumah Modern Art Deco

penataan interiornya juga tidak lari dari gaya itu.

Axonometric View - Desain Rumah Minimalis Modern

Demikian pula untuk model rumah modern minimalis, interiornya pun didesain dengan gaya yang selaras.
Meskipun dalam penerapannya, tidak bulat-bulat memakai kedua gaya itu.
Untuk interior ruang tamu, Continue Reading »

Kamar Tidur 3

Siapapun yang tidur di kamar-kamar tidur rumah anda, membutuhkan suasana ruangan yang nyaman untuk beristirahat. Sebenarnya dengan alasan praktis di era ini, tidak lagi tepat untuk menggunakan istilah “ruang” atau ” ruangan”.
Terutama ketika kita sedang berbicara tentang  desain Continue Reading »

Desain Dapur Anda

dapur 1

Desain dapur merupakan centerpieces dari salah satu ruangan dirumah kita. Masuk akal bahwa salah satu sektor yang paling berkembang dan populer didunia desain rumah adalah desain dapur.
Tidak ada yang lebih penting dalam sebuah rumah daripada layout dapur yang terencana serta diperlengkapi dengan baik. Desain dapur telah berevolusi selama bertahun- tahun hingga kini pemilik rumah memiliki beragam pilihan. 
Dari desain Continue Reading »

kmr tdr anak 1

Mari kita teteskan kesadaran lingkungan pada anak-anak kita sejak usia dini. Kesadaran ini belum tentu bisa didapatkan langsung melalui buku-buku pelajaran yang ada.
Perlu dipikirkan media yang tepat agar anak-anak dapat belajar tentang kesadaran lingkungan hidup sejak usia dini. Walaupun anak- anak belum dapat berpikir secara komprehensif, anak-anak biasanya memiliki pola pikir mereka sendiri. Oleh karena itu, tidak sama dengan cara orang dewasa belajar dan memahami sesuatu.
Menurut ahli Continue Reading »

kanopi 1

Rumah/bangunan di daerah beriklim tropis selalu terpapar panas yang lembab. Rumah-rumah di Indonesia memang harus didesain sesuai dengan iklim tropis.
Untuk mengatasi sinar matahari yang terik, tak jarang kita harus menggunakan pelindung jendela dan pintu yang disebut dengan kanopi. Apakah kanopi itu dan bagaimana penggunaannya? Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan wawancara dengan saya (Probo Hindarto/ Arsitek) di Koran Seputar Indonesia. Mempercantik rumah tidak harus merombaknya Continue Reading »

BANANA ESTATE, The New Jakarta Townhouse


Foyer merupakan jenis ruangan yang diletakkan didepan ruang tamu, atau sebagai ruang antara teras dan ruang tamu. Bila pemilik rumah tidak memiliki ruang tamu, bisa juga berfungsi sebagai ruang penghubung antara teras dan ruang keluarga. Artikel ini dimuat di Koran Seputar Indonesia beberapa waktu lalu dengan saya (Bob Gaudi Hindarto – red.) sebagai narasumber 🙂
DALAM KORAN SINDO Continue Reading »

Banana_Estate’s_Map (1)



Thirteen nice guys established the area in June 6, 2005 as well as Banana Estate original member. Over the years, the member has almost completed the projects. The building have been featured in modern and classical architect design, also known as combination modern minimalis design or classic tropical mediterranean design. The area well known as Banana Estate 1, The New Jakarta Townhouse 1.
Anyway, our goal is to create high quality buildings, appropriate to their settings while at the same time being extremely functional. We offer a wide range of engineering services – from planning and program development, through design and construction documents, to on-site inspection. Based on ourselves criteria.
Twelve nice ladies and gentleman after that established the second location in February 12, 2007 as officially Banana Estate member. Over the year, the member has completed the landscape. The first stage building have been featured in modern and classical architect design too, also known as combination modern minimalis design (for store) or classic tropical mediterranean design (for house). The area well known as Banana Estate 2, The New Jakarta Townhouse 2.
Getting better all the time. We strive to be the best at what we do! One member vision and mission!
In third phase, eleven nice ladies and gentleman now agreed to establish a brand new Banana Estate 3 and to be located straight behind Banana Estate 2. The area established to built the fabuluous store only. According members conclusion, the location become Banana Estate 3, The New Jakarta Townhouse 3.
Each member receives one-on-one attention through the entire process from at least one of our highly skilled engineers or full experienced of building aspects.
To ensure our members’ needs are satisfied we constantly invite our members to participate and provide input during the design process. After all it’s our activity to make our members’ beyond the dream comes true.
Creativity is achieved through a combination of our architectural collective, as well as the input obtained through brainstorming sessions with the member. All within efficiency factor.
The style of our buildings are unique as well as our members. With each new member has creative design. Expect style and class that will not fade with the ages.
We maintain a consistently high level of professional care and responsibility in each building. We guarantee all of our work to be of the highest quality, as we know our members would expect nothing less. Ultimately, Members’ project is our project.
“Getting the best all the time!”




Tigabelas orang yang mempunyai visi dan misi yang sama menjadi member Banana Estate pada 6 Juni 2005. Tahap demi tahap, the member menyelesaikan projectnya masing-masing. Kompleks ini mempunyai berbagai corak kombinasi disain yang modern dan klasik, atau campuran desain modern minimalis, desain tropis mediterania klasik. Dalam satu kesepahaman layout yang didiskusikan bersama dan berupaya menata disain serta landscape yang menyenangkan. Lokasi ini dinamakan Banana Estate, The New Jakarta Townhouse.
Pada prinsipnya, tujuan dari Banana Estate adalah pembangunan berkualitas dengan disain menawan, disesuaikan dengan fungsi dan keinginan masing-masing member. Tahapan pembangunan dari rancang bangun hingga konstruksi, disertai on-site inspection secara bergantian
Dengan filosofi: “Sudah saatnya kehidupan menjadi semakin indah. Berusaha yang terbaik dari waktu ke waktu”. Menyatukan visi dan misi members!
Dalam perjalanan waktu selanjutnya, duabelas orang lagi mempunyai commitment yang sama menjadi members dan membentuk area baru menjadi Banana Estate 2 pada tanggal 12 Pebruari 2007.
Saat ini ada kesepahaman baru untuk membuat area Banana Estate 3 dari sebelas orang yang mempunyai visi dan misi yang sama dengan members sebelumnya.
Setiap member selalu penting untuk diperhatikan dalam upaya menyelesaikan setiap tahapannya. Partisipasi member merupakan keharusan demi mewujudkan impian menjadi kenyataan bagi setiap member.
Proses kreatif, termasuk didalamnya tinjauan efisiensi, diberlakukan pada setiap langkah proses desain hingga terwujudnya konstruksi bangunan.
Gaya setiap bangunan disesuaikan dengan keinginan tiap member sehingga tiap bangunan rumah menjadi unik, menawan dan stylish!
Sudah saatnya kehidupan menjadi semakin indah!
Berusaha yang terbaik dari masa ke masa!

Salam hangat,


Copyright ©2006-2010 BANANAESTATE.
All Rights Reserved.

Banana Estate 4 (1)

Banana Estate 4 (1):
Di suatu siang tanggal 19 April 2009.

a19042009(007)RS_RK_AHS 14:49

b19042009(008)RK_IRW 14:50

c19042009RK_AHS_IRW 14:48

d19042009RK_IRW 14:48

e19042009RK_NUG_RS_AHS 14:51

Banana Estate 1 (3)

Kilas Balik Pagi Hari Tanggal 24 Februari 2009:

24022009 JJM 07:50

24022009 AHS 07:37

24022009 MEF 07:42

24022009 KHP 07:43

24022009 LWI 07:38

24022009 DJS 07:34

24022009 NUG 07:48

24022009 SYR 07:21

24022009 GWI 07:46

24022009 ZMN 07:30

24022009 ERR 07:29

24022009 WPJS 08:01

24022009 DEL 07:27

Banana Estate 1 (2)

Banana Est. 1 (2)
Per 20 Januari 2009




Banana Estate 3 (1)

Banana Estate 3 (5 Juni 2009)







Banana Estate 1 (1)

Tahun 2007 dan 2008.



Ujung 2008!

Saat 29 Des 08 inilah…Friend, hari-hari yg kita lalui sepanjang 2008 terasa dalam nuansa renungan akhir tahun.
Bukan hanya akhir tahun kalender Masehi, namun kalender Hijriyah jua. Hari ini Tahun Baru Hijriyah dan H-3 Tahun Baru 2009 Continue Reading »

Hello world!

Welcome to Bananaestate.WordPress.com. This is the first post. Enjoy to surf the blog!

The End Of 2008!

It’s December 29, 08…Bro. It’s 3 days toward the new ‘dimension’ 2009. Too many thing to tell 2008’s reflection. Up and down, good and bad news, joyfully and sadness…ups come on!
Spirit 2009…Man! Inspired us to positive thinking. Keeping the best all the time. Straight forward to focus 2009 and, anyway, the show must go on…
OMG…it will happiness to the road of blogging.
Happy New Year ’09!

September 6th ’08

It’s 6th days at Ramadhan. Uugh… i did not know why, in the begining days so awful. Time to start angry with the people who did something wrong. In my mind at fasting time.

OMG, forgive me. Getting the best all the time. Ramadhan’s wisdom will give something more controllable to fulfill every single day. Amen.

Saat ini H-1 menjelang Romadhon 1429H tahun 2008.
Kami memohon maaf lahir dan bathin.
Bagi yang akan Puasa Romadhon, Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Romadhon.
Semoga amal ibadah kita mendapat hikmah, rahmat, taufik wal hidayah dari Allah SWT.
Terima kasih.

English vs Betawi

Too many things to tell day by day of 2008 activities. In a moments of stress condition and it was the periode of storms and stress become more fluctuation, but the time goes flow with pleasure, nicely situation. The good time and bad time rolling down every single day. More inspiration can be catched up, more motivation can be absorbed.

So, have a nice days, getting the best all the time.


Duileeeehhh…….kire-kire bahase Betawinye begene neech:

Banyak nech nyang mau diceritain sepanjang tahun 2008 enni. Ade saatnye waktu nyang menegangkan, ade juga saat seneng en sedih silih berganti cepet banget dah… Tapi emang waktu berlalu cepet-cepetan, ame kesenengan nyang tersisa, dalam situasi nyang terase asyik en nyaman…gityuuu. Waktu gumbira en waktu sedih bergulir setiap ari.Banyak inspirasi nyang bisa diserap, banyak ilmu motivasi nyang bisa kite pelajari.

Jadi, nikmatin ajeh hari-hari kite, berusaha menjadi nyang terbaik sepanjang waktu.

May 23, 2008

It’s 23 May 2008, the day which government put up benzine, kerozine and solar in the higher price. The day exactly 2 days before province governor election. The day exactly 4 days before chief of labour union election. It’s hardly waiting for. So, have a nice days.